Monthly Archives: December 2020

Is 1080 Harmful to Trout and Stream Ecology?

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by Tony Orman A Federated Farmers and Forest and Bird Fact Sheet on 1080 poison said  “Trials in four West Coast streams using 10 times the number of 1080 baits that would be expected to enter streams during aerial treatment … Continue reading

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Why Ngāi Tahu is suing the Crown over its waterways

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Opinion by Lisa Tumahai In a legal first, Ngāi Tahu has lodged a statement of claim in the High Court seeking recognition of rangatiratanga over its awa and moana, to address the ongoing degradation caused by the environmental mismanagement. Kaiwhakahaere Lisa … Continue reading

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Toxic River Algae Early Summer a Shameful Situation

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Opinion by Ben Hope It is not yet Christmas yet already toxic algae has appeared in North Canterbury Rivers such as the Waiau. The Canterbury District Health Board has issued a health warning. It is not the first water  warning … Continue reading

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Jest a Minute

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Three Fishermen and the Ranger Three men were sitting by the side of a lake holding fishing rods with the lines in the water. A Fish and Game ranger came up behind them, tapped them on the shoulder and said, … Continue reading

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What River Crisis?

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by Tony Orman Recently I found an article  in a now defunct magazine, “Southern Fishing And Boating.”  Twenty years ago in the November 2000 issue of the magazine  Wayne McCallum, North Canterbury Fish and Game’s Environment officer, warned of a … Continue reading

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Don’t be Too Serious

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by Tony Orman Some anglers cannot laugh at themselves and they take trout fishing far too seriously to the point of being competitive. This stern attitude seems more prevalent at Taupo. Frankly a competitive angler is a boor. They want … Continue reading

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Dr Gumperson’s and Trout Fishing

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by Tony Orman John and Marcia are an American fly fishing couple who I’ve taken fishing on several of their visits to New Zealand. It was John who introduced me to Dr R.F Gumperson and Gumperson’s Law. For those unacquainted … Continue reading

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Superb Book on Birds- Many Being Riverside

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Book Review “Drawn to the Wild” by Nicolas Dillon. Published by Potton and Burton, price $59.99. Reviewed by Tony Orman Famous USA conservationist Henry David Thoreau once wrote “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it … Continue reading

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Should There be Concern About 1080 Affecting Trout?

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Opinion by Ben Hope Does 1080 have any adverse impact on trout? To try to answer that, it’s necessary to look at 1080 and its properties.  Firstly 1080 was was originally patented in 1927 as an insecticide. Insects have a … Continue reading

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There is a mismatch between what New Zealand’s government identified as the most pressing environmental issues and the investments in environmental research it actually makes

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An article by Troy Baisden, professor of Environmental Sciences at University of Waikato, Stuff Environment 10/12/2020; Report shows New Zealand’s ‘fragmented’ environmental research funding doesn’t match most urgent needs | New Zealand spends about $500m on environmental research each … Continue reading

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