Blog Archives

New Incentives for You to Participate

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As well as all our usual posts for your delight and delectation, we are now launching two new incentives to invite member participation. First, a Bulletin Board is now available at and whilst bulletin boards might be a tad … Continue reading

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The Removal/Omission of the protection of Trout and Salmon from the Natural and Built Environment Bill.

Opinion piece by;Dr Peter TrolovePresidentNZFFA The Removal/Omission of the protection of Trout and Salmon from the Natural and Built Environment Bill. Fish and Game are belatedly mounting a campaign to have the protection of the habitat of trout and salmon … Continue reading

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Our Grateful Thanks

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Our extreme gratitude to all who have responded to our plea for assistance in our new fund-raising efforts. With a couple of legal battles looming, we need all the financial assistance we can get. If you could offer some help, … Continue reading

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by Didymo Dave ……….Fly fishermen who fish the Taupo area are keen to know when the spawning runs have commenced? They ask questions like are there many fish in the rivers, many being caught etc. Well I don’t know, I … Continue reading

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Regional council admits it’s been flying blind on Rakaia

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Tony Orman and Black Tail Creek

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or perhaps Nothing Gained Without Effort   It had been a week of rain at home – every day! It did not really matter I thought as I drove toward Black Tail Creek. It had not been raining around that area … Continue reading

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Unsustainable Water Management

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“The release of the LAWA monitoring reports for 1727 river and lake sites reveals a national disgrace 82% of monitored lowland lakes are in a poor or very poor condition Water quality in rivers and streams is likely to be … Continue reading

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Peter Trolove Responds to Big Irrigators

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Originally intended to be a comment attached to David Williams story here about noncompliance with the Rakaia NWCO, NZFFA Chairman Peter Trolove’s thoughts elevated to a full post. Thank goodness for the persistence and in depth analysis by Newsroom senior … Continue reading

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Big irrigator’s water takes ‘potentially non-compliant’

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Original posted at Regional council ECan outlines the difficulty of monitoring Rakaia River consents, and how little it knows. David Williams reports Fresh analysis of irrigation takes from Canterbury’s Rakaia River appears to back the findings of a leaked … Continue reading

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Guy Trafford takes a critical looks at Mike Joy’s latest attack on the impact of dairying

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Original posting from Guy Trafford takes a critical looks at Mike Joy’s latest attack on the impact of dairying on the Canterbury Plains’ groundwater resource – and finds it largely proven 4th Jun 22, 11:00am by Guy Trafford Image sourced from … Continue reading

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