Category Archives: Home

New Book on New Zealand’s Freshwater (Rivers) Crisis

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Book Review ”The Fight for Freshwater – a memoir” by Mike Joy, published by Bridget Williams Books, price $39.99. Reviewed by Tony Orman. by Tony Orman Trout need rivers with fresh, flowing water so the two are closely dependent in the … Continue reading

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Does New Zealand Need a Constitution.

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Opinion by Andi Cockroft, Chairman CORANZ Inheriting the British governmental style, GodZone relies on “common law” as a backstop to judicial thinking. Common law acts as a precedent-setting set of decisions that are passed down over the years. We still … Continue reading

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North Canterbury F&G Managing the Story on behalf of Manawa Energy?

This gallery contains 7 photos. Intrigued by this article, on Tuesday 5th June, I drove up to the head of Lake Coleridge to have a look for myself. Sure enough by then the Harper Diversion race was totally dewatered due to the Harper River … Continue reading

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Last Chance

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Today is your last opportunity to make a submission on the proposed Fast-Track Approvals Bill. It doesn’t matter what your views are, just make your submission and make your feelings known. You have until midnight 19th April to make a … Continue reading

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How Environment Canterbury Regional Council resource consents have destroyed the outstanding habitat(s) of Great Rakaia Island

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  No unmodified habitat remains at the margin of this section of the Rakaia Island  A resource consent is permission from the local council for an activity that might affect the environment, and that isn’t allowed ‘as of right’ in … Continue reading

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Ecan attempts to explain its on / off again application to the Environment Court

This gallery contains 3 photos. Ecan’s aborted application to the Environment Court Readers of the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers website will be aware that the NZFFA sought donations from members in order to participate as an “interested party”, (S.274 of the … Continue reading

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Has Ecan Overplayed its Hand?

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Environment Canterbury clarifies its role in the Rakaia Water Conservation Order   ECan Media Release, Nov 14 2023 Opinion piece by Dr Peter Trolove Executive Member New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers “Oh what a tangled web we weave / … Continue reading

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Canterbury Rivers Nitrate Testing August 2023

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The latest testing figures conducted by NZFFA past president Dr Peter Trolove do not make for the most pleasant bed-time reading. The full spreadsheet can be downloaded from

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A Court Case of National Significance

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Dear Secretary We are seeking financial help from every freshwater angler in the country to fight for our Water Conservation Orders. Environment Court for the Rakaia River WCO Declaration Proceedings – ENV-2023-CHC-7. On 15 February 2023 Christchurch Regional Council, (more … Continue reading

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Latest NZFFA Poll Results – Interesting – 63% Undecided

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So, NZFFA members have a differnt set of beliefs than our MSM polsters would have you believe. We show Undecided voters sitting on 63%, with National only gaining 12% and Act at 25%. Looks like many of our members prefer … Continue reading

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