Monthly Archives: August 2024

CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

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Editor’s note:- “Foreign Control Watchdog” is the bulletin of CAFCA, a watch dog lobby group on foreign intrusion into NZ’s economy and environment. CAFCA deserves support and subscribers. Google CAFCA to get details.      

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Fast Track Approvals Bill “Backward Facing Policy says CAFCA

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Sharon Murdoch did this cartoon in The Press Wednesday. Sir Geoffery Palmer has a good article on the same theme on NEWSROOM PRO today. Perhaps this could be posted as an attachment when it is available tomorrow. I made a … Continue reading

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Fast Track Approvals Bill “Backward Facing Policy says CAFCA

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Special Report “Campaign Against Foreign control of Aotearoa” common known as CAFCA, has termed the government’s Fast Track Approvals Bill as Backward Facing Policy. Writing in the latest issue of CAFCA’s “Watchdog bulletin, Murray Horton  said the bill was disreputable. … Continue reading

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Economic Group Want More Commercial Pine Forests —But.

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Special Report Some economists are wanting more commercial pine forests and more planting of pines for carbon credits. And they are claiming that rivers and lakes would be cleaner if pines replaced livestock farming says a new paper from the … Continue reading

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ECan’s consent application to spray Canterbury’s surface waters with agrichemicals puts cost before the environment.

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Least cost river works take priority over biodiversity Introduction In response to a submission against Ecan’s application by the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers, Environment Canterbury notified the NZFFA in 22 July 2024 that it was granting itself consents … Continue reading

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