Monthly Archives: March 2023

Memories Can be Better Than Today’s Reality

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by Tony Orman Back in the 1980s I discovered a fabulous small trout stream. I’ve always had a soft spot for small streams. After all I began my serious fly fishing as a schoolboy on the little tributary streams of … Continue reading

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How Healthy is Your River? Look to Fish Numbers

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Abridged Pollution is not always easy to spot but there are visible indicators that can reveal whether rivers are in a good ecological state writes the UK’s Graham Lawton in the February 25th  2023 issue of “New Scientist.” Here are … Continue reading

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Why Rivers Matter

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Abridged There are 200,000 kilometres of wildly varying waterways in the UK but do we understand their true value and the threats they face asks Graham Lawton recently writing in the “New Scientist”. Stand by a river in the UK … Continue reading

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How the Rakaia turned into a pipe for irrigators

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From by David Williams ENVIRONMENT How the Rakaia turned into a pipe for irrigators Problems with protecting the Rakaia River were predicted years ago, documents filed in the Environment Court show. David Williams reports Analysis: When Canterbury’s regional councillors were sacked … Continue reading

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