The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers will take place 09:30 SATURDAY 25 June 2022 at the North Canterbury Fish & Game Offices, 595 St Johns Road, Harewood, Christchurch.

Please find links to the following:
We apologise for the relatively short notice but would ask the club committee to communicate with members at the earliest opportunity and encourage submission of remits to the AGM.
We need to hear from all of you – what we are doing right, what we could do better and where you think we should be focussing our limited resources.
We are also asking for nominations to the executive. This is a voluntary position with no obligations other than a passion for freshwater and sports fishing advocacy and being a keen and effective communicator. We are always on the lookout for help in providing pieces for our newsletter, running campaigns, writing to central and local governments and submitting on a range of consultations relevant to freshwater. Please forward your name to if you are interested in being a part of the NZFFA executive.
All Members are encouraged and most welcome to attend. If you are attending then please RSVP to
David Haynes
Secretary & Treasurer
New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers
Ph: 03 546 6051
Mob: 0272 351 833