Welcome to the NZFFA. Since our formation in 1974, we have strived to protect, enhance and foster the sport and interests of New Zealand’s freshwater anglers. Much water has passed since then, but our role remains as vital as ever.
Our precious resources are under greater threat than ever before. We have a greater number of non-resident anglers visiting New Zealand and the health of our streams and rivers has declined drastically since we started.
We welcome your membership and support for our projects, campaigns, research and education initiatives. If you would like to help or for more information, please contact the NZFFA Executive.
Our Constitution as an Incorporated Society is outlined below:
1. The name of our organisation is
New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers Inc (NZFFA)
The organisation incorporates the intellectual and digital property, human resources and financial assets of the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers Inc.
2. Mission
To protect, enhance and foster the sport and interests of the freshwater anglers of New Zealand.
3. Objectives
I. To foster the development and strengths of freshwater angling clubs, individuals actively working to promote our objectives, and like organizations.
II. To promote the interests of members in the following areas:
- Water quality in fisheries (including river flow issues and pollution)
- Public Access to fisheries
- To oppose adverse impacts of commercial angling activities of a detrimental nature,
- Freshwater fishery management (including the angling experience)
- Promoting, and leading, the dissemination and sharing of angling management information and issues among the participating clubs.
III. Other matters deemed by the Executive to be of direct and immediate concern to freshwater anglers and freshwater clubs.
4. Focus
The focus of the organization is to:
- To communicate effectively and widely via the website, social and print media,
- When appropriate, and using various formats and forums, to represent its members in submissions to decision-making authorities and in public statements.
- Act as a conduit for the dissemination and sharing of relevant information to members and the public.
5. Membership
- Annual subscriptions shall be those amounts fixed by an GM.
- Membership is subject to approval by the Executive which has the power to cancel membership where a breach of the Federation’s rules or constitution occurs, or where the member’s actions or enrolment may bring the Federation into disrepute.
- Members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Secretary.
- Associate membership may be accorded to businesses and other organisations on a case-by-case basis with no voting rights.
6. Executive
- The Executive will be elected at a general meeting for a term of two years and consist of no less than six members, including not less than two North Island and not less than two from the South Island.
- The Executive may be elected either at a meeting venue, or electronic conferencing,
- The AGM will elect the Federation’s President who will be responsible for the conduct of the Federation and its meetings in accordance with the constitution.
- The AGM will include designated members to cover the roles of Secretary, Treasurer and may elect a Vice President.
- The Executive shall have the power to manage the Federation’s affairs as it sees fit, except where the Federation’s Constitution or any enactment or general law of New Zealand provides otherwise.
- The Executive shall have the power to set up dispute resolution sub committees. These will work on the general principles of natural justice.
7. Executive Meetings
The executive will meet no less than twice per year. Only executive members, life members, appointed officers and invited guests may attend executive meetings. These executive members and appointed officers will be reimbursed for expenses to attend executive meetings. Only executive members may vote at an executive meeting.
8. Officers
The executive may, from time to time, appoint such additional officers as it requires for administrative support, including with electronic media and financial support, and may reimburse these officers as it chooses.
9. General Meetings
General meetings may take any suitable form, including being held electronically. At a general meeting:
- Current individual members may register one vote and member clubs may also register one vote.
- Life members of the NZFFA may register one vote.
- All decisions will be made by a majority vote.
- Changes to the Constitution require ratification by two thirds of the membership at the AGM or Special General meeting.
- Only the chairperson and any appointed officers will be reimbursed by the organisation to attend a general meeting.
- General meetings will be notified to members no less than one month prior to such a meeting.
- All individual members and member clubs will have the right to place items on the agenda for such meetings.
10. Annual General Meetings
Must be held by the 31st of July each year and be notified to members at least one month prior to the meeting.
The meeting is to receive a report on the year’s activities from the President and the annual financial statements, reviewed or subject to review.
Any other business pertinent to the effective operation of the Federation may be included in the business to be conducted as per the rules above.
11. Financial Management
The executive shall be responsible for:
- Establishing, maintaining and monitoring sound financial management practices which safeguard the organisation’s funds and assets. This includes the powers to borrow, raise, apply for funding, invest, and expend such funding as may be deemed to be necessary to further the objectives of the organisation.
- A qualified financial reviewer shall review the organisation’s financial accounts annually and report in full and electronically to all members as soon as practicable after each such review.
- The Federation’s financial year shall be from 1 January to 31 December.