Peter Richardson’s presentation of AWA’s submission to the ECan Long Term Plan hearings including asking ECan to put aside funding the give effect to Te Mana o te Wai and the National Policy Statement for Fresh Water management and to prepare their Regional Policy Statement BEFORE preparing their new Land and Water Regional Plan
Awesome facts Peter, NKTI inc is building a fresh water court case to steer Ecan and NZ in the right direction in regards to our fresh water
The water situation is a national disgrace. Until the economic system is altered to ditch GDP then dollars will be put as first priority. What happened to Jacinda Adern’s and Grant Robertson’s “well-being” philosophy? Mentioned at last budget time, 12 months later now it has been forgotten.
Canterbury has a major environmental and human health problem with excessive nitrate levels. Full power to the speakers to keep nagging away at authorities who prefer to sit on their hands. I agree totally with Peter Trolove of NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers about the ECan Act, a destructive, undemocratic move by Nick Smith and John Key. The Act should be repealed. Key should be stripped of his knighthood.
Mention of John Key reminds me of a BBC Hard Talk interview with the then New Zealand PM (Key) in which Key got roasted over NZ’s claim to be clean and green when rivers like the Selwyn were biologically dead. Other overs are sick too.
Now we are in 2021 what’s the Labour government going to do? In 2017 – four long years go – they promised to clean-up the worsening water situation and degraded waterways. Was it just lip service?