No photographs this time. Accompanied by David Williams, a reporter with
Some public wells tested for David’s interest
The August NPS FM August 2020 “bottom line” for nitrate in rivers is 2.4 mg/L NO3‐N
Peter Trolove

No photographs this time. Accompanied by David Williams, a reporter with
Some public wells tested for David’s interest
The August NPS FM August 2020 “bottom line” for nitrate in rivers is 2.4 mg/L NO3‐N
Peter Trolove
Canterbury water causes cancer.
Drinking our water might be as or more dangerous than smoking.
Do we like being poisoned with the consent of the people we pay to work for us in our government?
A major Danish study published in 2018 found a significant increase in bowel cancer when nitrate levels were just 0.87 milligrams per litre of water and a 15 per cent increase at 2.1mg per litre.
The current safe level in New Zealand, as mandated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), is 11mg per litre.,at%202.1mg%20per%20litre.