Could everyone do me and the Delaware Bay Access Group a big favour and sign this petition to Parliament about recreational boating access to Delaware Bay.
The petition can be accessed by clicking the following link :
The Delaware Access Group has been active for at least 5 years, and we’ve encountered all sorts of skulduggery from Nelson City Council along the way. The Access Group was formed and members chosen from approximately 600 members of the recreational public who attended two public meetings a few years back. The guts of the issue is that the Wakapuaka Estuary launching site is the only safe boat launching access site between Port Nelson and Okiwi Bay in Marlborough. This access site is highly valued by recreational boaties and fishers but hostile actions from Nelson City Council mean traditional access rights are under grave threat. This issue is all about our loss of outdoor rights, resources , and opportunities and we welcome the help and assistance of our outdoor friends and allies from around New Zealand.
Please feel free to disseminate this link widely to whoever may be interested.

Worthwhile – please sign
Access is crucial to public right to fish, hunt, and outdoors. Please sign the petition.
An undemocratic decision by a Council pandering to one individual who wants the bay to himself.