Fast Track Bill Threatens Democracy and Environment Says NZFFA

Special Report
A nationwide sports fishing and environmental advocacy, the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers has told a parliamentary select committee that the Fast Track Approvals Bill threatens both New Zealand’s  environment and democracy.
“ We strongly oppose the Fas tTrack Development Bill.  It undermines the democratic traditions that define our nation.  And it threatens our ecological heritage and national identity,” said Federation president Casey Cravens in presenting the organisation’s submission. “Intergenerational fairness is the concept behind our modern idea of sustainability.  What this means is today’s generation can’t wipe out our collective natural heritage before the next generation gets their turn.”
The NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers objects strongly to the proposed law because it violates that sacred principle.
Dealing with the democracy aspect, Casey Cravens said the bill leads down a path lacking balance, transparency and evidence.
Insider Trading?
“At the very least it creates the appearance of insider trading,” he added.
It was questionable whether the bill was required, in the light of the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal both describing New Zealand as one of the most business-friendly countries on Earth.  
“Yet Yale ranks New Zealand a miserable 129th out of 180 countries in biodiversity protection”.
The bill sets up an autocratic process that excludes science and democracy from policy.  
“World War two dictator Mussolini defined fascism as the merger of state and corporate power.  That’s where this fast-track bill takes New Zealand.”
WCOs and Nitrate Levels
The NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers as an advocacy for trout and salmon fishing for recreational and tourist anglers and conservation, expressed deep concerns about the Fast Track Approval bill’s potential to degrade the public’s rivers, lakes, and springs.  
“Our strongest values are pure source water and wilderness.  We’ll defend the Water Conservation Orders – akin to national park protection – and insist on bottom lines on nitrates until the bitter end.”
New Zealand is globally recognised for pristine landscapes and a supposed commitment to environmental preservation. 
“Our 100% Pure New Zealand brand should be more than merely a slogan; it’s a reflection of our values and a promise we make to the world,” said Casey Cravens. Trashing the Environment
“How can we reconcile our national brand with actions trash the land and water and kill endangered species?” 
Prior to COVID, tourism was New Zealand’s top export earner, generating $40.9 billion to the country with New Zealand’s trout fishing attracting many international tourist anglers.
Casey Cravens questioned the credibility of the three ministers – Shane Jones, Chris Bishop and Simeon Brown –  who would have virtual sole power to decide irrespective of input from a politically appointed panel, citing political donations from corporate fishing companies and other past associations. 
“The bill attacks the rule of law and decades of legal precedent.  This is constitutionally radical.  This bill has the gall to tell the Environment Court, the High Court and the New Zealand judiciary, as well as regional councils that have drafted land and water plans that three Wise Men know better,” he said..  
“This fast-track bill is a highway to hell.  Make a U-turn while you can,” he urged the select committee. “This policy recalls the centralised planning of Muldoon’s Think Big, which was Soviet in nature.”  
NZFFA president Casey Cravens (left) and Dr. Peter Trolove, immediate past NZFFA president at Parliament
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4 Responses to Fast Track Bill Threatens Democracy and Environment Says NZFFA

  1. Benjamin Hope says:

    The Fast Track Approval Bill is a terrible piece of proposed law. What gets into the minds of politicians like Shane Jones and Chris Bishop thinking they can ram through undemocratic law? So soon after being elected too.
    It may be a case of delusions of grandeur but while this bill threatens democracy, it might well threaten the stability of the coalition government, that is if the people wake up and stir. I voted for one of the coalition parties because of the dictatorial way of the Labour/Greens/ Maori party.
    I did not expect this bill to be a product of the coalition. Not surprisingly therefore I feel duped!
    Remember democracy is not a spectator sport, it’s a participatory event. If we don’t participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy.

  2. Frank Henry says:

    Congratulations to the NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers and Casey Cravens and Peter Trolove.
    Man’s aim for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice (greed, ego, etc) makes democracy vital.

  3. Bud jones JonesQSM says:

    I see the words”the public’s rivers, lakes & springs”
    WAKE UP ALL!!!!
    Very shortly the public will have NO WATER,the govmnt is on the cusp of a box tick that will hand over all water to tribal moedi Iwi, including fore shore & seabed out to 12 N miles.rEMEMBER THE BOX TITCK handing over Urewera Natl Park to Iwi?Water will go the same….tick…..gone! All behind your back.

  4. Stewart Hydes says:

    The *intent* of the Fast Track Bill is great .. but the *implementation* of it should scare the living crap out of all of us!
    What is proposed is “a bridge too far”.
    For any politician who believes they should have the power vested in them to short-circuit nearly all of the checks and balances in our current democratic systems .. is trying to fool both themselves .. AND the public.
    Imagine if the last government had had these powers?
    They’ve driven us way too far up Sh#t Creek as it is.
    Any sort of recovery is going to be a long, hard road.
    The Fast Track Bill would have given them a TURBO-BOOST button.
    We would be SO FAR up Sh#t Creek .. we would have burst right out of the head waters .. slid across the dry land in between .. and plopped neatly into Lake There-Ain’t-No-Coming-Back-From-Here.
    And that’s exactly what we would be doing .. giving the powers of the Fast Track Bill to the NEXT government.
    As maniacal as they may be.
    NO THANK YOU!!!!

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