Opinion by Tony Orman
Should a government dictate to the public or should the people tell the government what to do?
If you believe the government should be fearful of the wrath of the public and a subsequent backlash at election time, well you are out of step with political moods of the last few decades. Apathy is commonplace.
It’s plain to see.
The last two general elections saw a million New Zealanders not vote or were even too disinterested to register as voters. Those one million are selfish. They do not care about tomorrow and the legacy they leave to their children and grandchildren.
They are short-sighted because they only live for today and don’t give a toss about tomorrow.
Fish and Game Elections
Take a look at Fish and Game elections where in many regions not enough nominations are received to fill the council seats – plus the voting turnout by shooters and anglers is woefully low.
Fish and Game NZ is bound by statute to the Minister of Conservation and government. It is a toothless tiger.
The Department of Conservation is government-run.
Besides it advocates for massive 1080 poison drops at the expense of the native birds and invertebrates. Does DOC care?
DOC seems disinterested in river flows yet those rivers are habitat for native fish and trout. DOC manages the Taupo trout fishery by law. It is by law, entrusted to look after native aquatic life. But it stands by, turning a blind eye to the fate of many rivers. The situation in Canterbury with the Rakaia River where nitrate levels are high and toxic to aquatic life, trout, salmon parr, eels and other native fish.
That leaves one other option – you.
Do you care?
Major obstacle
Apathy is a major worry.
In the outdoors the 1972 New Zealand election – 43 years ago – was a landmark one for action. The National government wanted to destroy Lake Manapouri in the “people’s national park” to give cheap, heavily discounted power to a corporate foreign consortium. The people rose up in anger and formed “Save Manapouri.”
The government then wanted trout farming. Anglers rose up in wrath. The government did a deal with a rich American to sell public land in Te Anau’s Upukerora valley for a luxury lodge to exploit fishing and hunting and lock Kiwis out. The NZ Deerstalkers’ Association rose up in wrath.
The 1972 election saw the National government dumped in favour of Norman Kirk’s Labour one. Kirk significantly loved fishing and hunting and the outdoors. The Kirk government banned trout farming, Manapouri was saved from drowning and the Upukerorora deal collapsed.
Fast forward to 2024. Fish and Game elections are this year.
Are you going to get involved? Think about it.
Editor’s note: Tony Orman served 25 years as a councillor on Acclimatisation Societies and Fish and Game Councils.

Tony Orman – “Are you going to get involved? Think about it.”
The only threat to our fishing is inertia, i.e. failure to stand up and tell politicians and corporate exploiters, “hands off!”