CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

Editor’s note:- “Foreign Control Watchdog” is the bulletin of CAFCA, a watch dog lobby group on foreign intrusion into NZ’s economy and environment.
CAFCA deserves support and subscribers. Google CAFCA to get details.

Three Stooges.jpg

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8 Responses to CAFCA’s “Watchdog” Cartoon

  1. Clark Kent says:

    Great cartoon” in its commentary.
    When will politicians show a conscience and awareness, they are elected to serve the people’s interest by the voting people. Yes we need development but wise use of resources, not a discount sale like the 4th Labour government’s Rogernomics was.

  2. Jack Tuhawaiki says:

    Corporates are infiltrating the economy world wide and NZ is no exception. With dairying the damage comes from corporates, with forestry corporates dominate, the same with the wine industry. The sea fisheries industry quota is heading to 90% corporate owned I was told recently.
    Also corporates are invariably foreign owned.
    Corporates wield power and influence by donations to political parties and MPs.
    Put your hand up Shane Jones.
    The Fast Track Approvals Bill is designed for the corporates mates of governments.

  3. J B H says:

    I get the impression Simeon Brown is not really part of this skullduggery, it’s egotists Shane Jones and Christopher Bishop.
    Under growing criticism Jones is now employing “smokescreens and mirrors.” taking away the decision making from the three ministers to a panel which is hand-picked by government (Jones and Bishop) is subterfuge. Sleight of hand stuff.

  4. "Kiwi" says:

    Very good cover “cartoon” by CAFCA

  5. John Mulgan says:

    These three guys would sell their own mothers. It’s not just about the money. It’s the way they see the universe.

  6. "Anonymous" says:

    Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once said “The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men.”
    “Evil” might seem harsh, but it is evil to trample over democracy when one is elected to be an MP by a democratic election. Surely Shane Jones, Chris Bishop and Simeon Brown should see the hypocrisy?

  7. Juno says:

    This government seems to have learned from right wing govts in Australia and the US. Most important thing is how will the NZ public respond?
    (I had thought ACT at least had integrity within their nasty beliefs but the regulation gravy train makes it obvious even that’s not true.)

  8. Clare Pierson says:

    The cartoon portrays complete and irresponsible self interest of the politicians (and their parties ) and their being inextricably entangled with big business that has little or no concern for our environment and certainly not for people who are not wealthy

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